I believe that the key to get perfect smile is the skills of the dentist you are going to work with. I was choosing carefully, read a lot of reviews, made couple consultation with different dentists before I ended up with Dr. Michael Ofir. In my case, there were several options I could choose from (veneers, lumineers, invisalign, etc) and Dr.Ofir explained me the pros and cons of each. He was fair enough and didn’t push towards the most expensive option (as usually dentists do).
I’ve never liked my teeth and how they looked when I smile. My husband decided to support me in this, he gave me the Perfect Present for our 10th anniversary - My Perfect Smile. I chose to go with lumineers as it was seemed for me one of the best option I could get to not cut my teeth in half (as for veneers) and make my smile beautiful. It was 6 years ago, and for all that time I had one minor chip that was easily fixed by doctor. I really happy with my decision as I have more confidence and it made me kind of more positive person. I do not feel stressed and shy when I smile. My husband is also happy as I’m not the grumpy person any more (I used to smile really rare before my lumineers).
Once again, big thanks to Dr.Ofir and his team for being so caring and profissional!
If you are still not sure which option is the best for you, just get the consultation maybe even more than one just to be sure. The procedures are not that cheap, that is why you need to be smarter and do not rush.
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